Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wisconsin Film Festival 2010

Josh and I were delighted to go to many films at the 2010 Wisconsin Film Festival. Together we saw a variety of films, including:

Father and Guns (Canadian/French, Comedy)
Harmony and Me (Indie)
Seventeen (Documentary)
Everyone Else (German)
Shorts (Collection of 5 Shorts, United Kingdom)

Overall, we both recommend Father and Guns and Harmony and Me. Both of these movies were really fun! Unfortunately, Seventeen was one of the most terrible documentaries ever (OK...Josh didnt hate it AS much as I did...) and the UK Shorts weren't the greatest.

Josh also saw The Lottery (Documentary) and A Town Called Panic (Stop Motion Animation), both of which he liked very much.

We're both excited for next year, and we hope to Netflix a lot of the films from this year's fest that we didn't get a chance to see. For more info on this year's fest, visit this link.

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